Alexandr Kirilov

What I am building or creating or managing:

Secured Mobile Application (iOS/Android/Blackberry) for handling Events or being Data Agents for Private Clouds or any other purpose, even secured messaging
on Qt/QML/C++/C (cross-platform iOS/Android/Blackberry)
on Objective-C(CPP/C)/Swift (iOS/MacOS native applications)
Applications for microcomputers (Raspberry/Beaglebone) for Automotive or IoT
on Erlang/C or on Qt/QML/C++
Private Clouds, Data Storages, Application Backends, REST APIs within ability to be scaled for the size of Big-Data or High-Load from very small
on Erlang/C
Remote/Offshore developer's team for your own under your own name
More than 20 years of successful design experience. Created +300 Logotypes, 10 exhibitions, +100 web sites, +50 Interfaces, +100 packages and many other things
Drawing and developing UI/UX, Logos, Posters, Exhibitions or any other things related to artistic or design
My design portfolio on Github:
If you need my CV - follow this link.
My full experience covered in this image.
If you need me for developing or consulting - you might connect me:
Telegram: @AlexandrKirilov
Click here to get contact email